Is Carbonized Bamboo Waterproof?

Bamboo products, especially carbonized ones, are becoming popular in recent years. The manufacturers claim many benefits that bamboo provides over other materials. Hence, people are considering this eco-friendly option for their homes and offices. But before using carbonized bamboo for any purpose, you should do detailed research. You should know if carbonized bamboo is waterproof or not because moisture is one the biggest enemy of most materials. So, wondering, is carbonized bamboo waterproof?

Unfortunately no, carbonized bamboo is not waterproof. It can resist water for up to 30 hours, and if the moisture is high and persists after this time, carbonized bamboo will absorb it. Bamboo is suitable for places with high moisture, but this doesn’t make it immune to water damage.

One of the common reasons people misinterpret the water-repelling power of carbonized bamboo is an inability to differentiate between waterproof and water-resistant materials. They think that being waterproof means material will entirely repel water no matter how much moisture it receives. But, it’s not true. To understand the water-repelling power of carbonized bamboo, you need to know the difference between waterproof and water-resistant.

Waterproof vs. Water-Resistant

If you think that waterproof and water-resistant are different terms for the same thing, you are mistaken. Although both reflect the ability of a material to repel water, they are different. Waterproof means water won’t be absorbed in a specific material no matter long it’s been in the water or surrounded by water.

In contrast, a water-resistant material will repel water to some extent but not completely. If the moisture is high or remains for too long, the water will eventually affect the material. So, in literal meanings, carbonized bamboo is water-resistant, not waterproof.

What Happens to Carbonized Bamboo When It Gets Wet?

Now you know that carbonized bamboo will be affected if water spills on it remain for a long time. So, you should remove the water as early as possible. Otherwise, you’ll have to face the following consequences if your carbonized bamboo gets wet.

Carbonized bamboo will swell and deform by absorbing water if the contact with water prolongs. The shape will change, and large dents and cracks will appear. This happens because when carbonized bamboo absorbs water, it expands, and after some time, it will shrink when the water evaporates. If this expansion and shrinking of carbonized bamboo happen repeatedly, it can damage it.

Another problem that occurs when carbonized bamboo gets wet is the loss of color. The color loss will affect the aesthetics of carbonized bamboo. Moreover, with prolonged periods of water exposure, bamboo starts giving a cracking noise. To avoid these problems, it’s essential to save carbonized bamboo from water.

Is Carbonized Bamboo a Good Option for Bathrooms?

No, carbonized bamboo isn’t a good option for bathrooms, even though it is excellent at resisting water. Bathrooms often have excessive moisture. So, if you add carbonized bamboo products in bathrooms, the chances of suffering water damage are more than in other spaces in your home.

But, some exceptions exist in this case. If you’re using a shower in your bathroom, and the bathroom doesn’t get very wet, then you can consider adding carbonized bamboo products or flooring. As you know that carbonized bamboo can resist water for some hours, wiping away the moisture is one of the easiest ways to protect your carbonized bamboo from water damage.

Not all carbonized bamboo sheets can resist water for up to 30 hours or more. So, if you’re choosing bamboo for the bathroom, remember to ask for the greatest time it can resist water. The more will be the time, the safer it will be to place carbonized bamboo in your bathroom.

Is Carbonized Bamboo Suitable for Basement?

Unlike other materials, carbonized bamboo is suitable for the basement. Basements often have damp conditions, and humidity changes occur more frequently, which increases the chances of water damage. Carbonized bamboo is excellent at resisting moisture, so it doesn’t show signs of water damage in damp basement conditions.

But if your basement has a plumbing issue and the moisture remains high continuously, it will affect carbonized bamboo. You can consider using a dehumidifier if your basement remains damp all the time, even during dry weather conditions. You can also use fans and ventilation to dry your carbonized bamboo sooner and have less impact on the moisture. The basement’s humidity level should be less than 50 percent to protect your carbonized bamboo from water damage.

Is Carbonized Bamboo Mold Resistant?

No, carbonized bamboo isn’t completely molded resistant. The sugars and other organic materials that attract mold are burnt during the carbonization process, making it partially resistant to mold. When bamboo is compared with other materials, it’s considered mold-resistant. But its ability to resist mold better than other materials doesn’t make it completely mold resistant.

Carbonized bamboo will get mold if it remains in water or damp conditions for too long because it’s an organic material. So, it’s recommended to keep your carbonized bamboo away from water or dry it early if it gets wet to avoid mold.

Can You Mop Carbonized Bamboo?

Yes, you can mop carbonized bamboo products and floors, but you must do it carefully. There are some things that you should remember to protect your carbonized bamboo from water damage. Some tips for mopping your carbonized bamboo are:

  • Mop weekly and never daily as it can damage carbonized bamboo.
  • Use a high-quality cleaner such as Bona or a wood soap like Murphy for mopping. These materials will not cause carbonized bamboo to lose its shine and protect the surface from damage. Both these cleaners are available on Amazon and many other online stores too. You can also get them from your nearby local store.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals, ammonia, and acid-based cleaning agents, as they can discolor carbonized bamboo. Moreover, the damage caused by these chemicals makes them susceptible to other damage, too, such as scratches, cracking, etc.

Is Carbonized Bamboo Good for Countertops?

Yes, carbonized bamboo can be used for countertops. You have to ensure proper maintenance to make it long-lasting. Carbonized bamboo is easy to maintain as a natural, eco-friendly, and renewable resource. It offers better resistance to mold, bacteria, and mildew. Due to all these reasons, carbonized bamboo is an excellent material for countertops.

Although it’s considered suitable for countertops, its use as a countertops material isn’t widespread. This might be due to the dark brown color of the carbonized bamboo that it gets during the carbonization process or less durability compared to natural bamboo. The carbonization process makes it softer and less durable than natural bamboo.

Can You Use Vinegar and Water for Cleaning Carbonized Bamboo?

Vinegar isn’t generally recommended for cleaning carbonized bamboo because it’s considered harsh and can discolor bamboo. But when used in combination with water, it becomes diluted and is suitable for cleaning carbonized bamboo.

To make a cleaning mixture, take ¼ cup of white vinegar and mix it into a quart of water. Now vinegar will be safe for cleaning bamboo, and you should use it the same way you use a hardwood cleaner. Take a damp sponge, dip it in the cleansing mixture, and then clean the carbonized bamboo. Dry it as soon as possible once you’re done cleaning the carbonized bamboo. You can dry it by keeping it in partial sunlight, using fans or a dehumidifier. Wet carbonized bamboo increases the risk of getting mold, mildew, and bacterial growth.

Is Carbonized Bamboo Durable?

Yes, carbonized bamboo is durable but not as durable as other types of bamboo. Natural bamboo doesn’t undergo any heat processing that will make changes in its natural structure. Hence, the durability isn’t affected in that case. But high temperature during the carbonization process makes bamboo 1/3 times softer than natural bamboo.

The primary reason for the softness and decreased durability of carbonized bamboo is because of its increased capacity to absorb water. Carbonized bamboo is less water-resistant when compared to natural bamboo. Water damages bamboo by increasing the risk of mold, mildew, and bacteria. Moreover, the color of the bamboo changes when it absorbs water, and cracking and structural changes also occur.


Carbonized bamboo is different than natural bamboo, and before you place it in damp places, you need to know if carbonized bamboo is waterproof or not? Carbonized bamboo is water-resistant and can’t be regarded as waterproof. It can only resist water for a specific time, up to 30 hours, and if the damp conditions persist longer than this, your carbonized bamboo will be affected.

Water damages carbonized bamboo by changing its color and shape. Also, mold, mildew, and bacteria can quickly attack carbonized bamboo if it remains wet for a long time. To avoid these, you should stick to a proper maintenance routine. With good care, you can make your carbonized bamboo items long-lasting.


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